【About deepmoss】
The fashion brand deepmoss was established by Dido Liu in 2013 in Xiamen, China.
The brand is called a rational romantic which is built on the concept of classical aesthetics mixed with contemporary literature.
A keen interest in beauty and daily life has led the designer towards flexible feature such as "soft sculpture" into garment construction and brand's philosophy, which present women's clam-like soft and authenticity from deep inside, also show the timeless feature of clothes creating.
【About Designer Dido Liu】
【关于品牌 deepmoss】
deepmoss 是理性的浪漫主义者,呈现当代语境下的古典美学。
【关于设计师 刘小路(Dido Liu)】
成长于海滨城市厦门的设计师刘小路,曾就读伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,于 2013 年创办时装品牌 deepmoss。
设计师善于通过女性视角,汲取当代文化和古典主义的养分,设计中独特的女性气质和剪裁中空灵的流动感成为 deepmoss 的标识,呈现柔韧且活泼的多元化女性形象,在力与美的表达上独具风格。
品牌曾被 VOGUE 评选为最值得关注的8个中国品牌之一,康泰纳仕集团亚太区创意总监 Gene Krell 称之为诗意与浪漫的代表,并视其为时装行业的先驱力量。品牌成立至今受到诸多主流媒体的报道采访,其中包括 VOGUE、BoF、BAZAAR、ELLE 等。
The Xiamen-born designer Dido Liu has graduated from Central Saint Martin, she founded the fashion brand deepmoss in 2013.
The designer has drawn inspiration from contemporary art and classicism through female perspective. The iconic femininity and smooth tailoring become deepmoss's typical feature, which show the images of gentle and open-mind, also the insightful expression of strength and beauty.
The brand was voted one of the eight noteworthy Chinese fashion brands by VOGUE. Gene Krell, the creative director of Condé Nast Publications Inc, fovours deepmoss for its poetic and romantic style. He showed up in deepmoss's SHFW and regard it as a pioneer in fashion industry. Till now, the brand has been reported by numerous mainstream media include VOGUE, BoF, BAZAAR, ELLE etc.